Todd EricksonTodd Erickson
32218 Hull Ave.
Farmington Hills. MI 48336
Todd Erickson received his undergraduate degree from Hope College and his Masters of Fine Art at Cranbrook Academy of Art. He has been making and exhibiting his sculpture for over 25 years and has been an employee of the College for Creative Studies since 1983. During his tenure at CCS, Todd has taught in the Sculpture Section of the Fine Arts Department, managed the college shops and has held positions as Director of Academic Facilities, Assistant Dean and currently Director of Exhibit Services.
His career has included guest teaching, consulting, commission work and exhibiting. Erickson’s work is cast and fabricated in bronze, iron, aluminum, steel, stone, wood and glass. His work delves into issues regarding the self, faith, shelter and personal history.
1984-1986 Master of Fine Arts (Sculpture), Cranbrook Academy of Art – Bloomfield Hills, MI
1977-1981 Bachelor of Arts (Biology, Art), Hope College – Holland, MI
2004- Director of Exhibit Services, College for Creative Studies
Coordination and implementation of a broad range of exhibitions staged both on and off campus
Creating and maintaining permanent collection exhibition
Initiating and implementing a permanent student exhibition
Special projects liaison to galleries and museums
Key Accomplishments:
Project Managing preliminary design phase for the CCS exhibit at the 2005 Detroit North American International Auto Show
Assimilation of exhibits and art collections currently prepared and housed in departmental and administrative centers
2000 -2004 Assistant Dean, College for Creative Studies
Preparation of gallery spaces and hanging of 3600 pieces of student artwork annually
Health & safety program, maintaining MSDS Library and Student Competency Program in college shops
MIOSHA Compliance Program Liaison and on-campus Safety Inspector
Curriculum inventory for internal use and NCA/NASAD accrediting organizations
Research, quotes and contracts for capital allocations of equipment, machinery, audio visual, carpet, furniture and remodeling
Supervisor of College Shops including Wood Shop, Metal Shop and Foundry.
Key Accomplishments:
Reconfiguring and remodeling educational spaces to increase space utilization by 30%
Relocating college departments into new facilities to accommodate new technologies
Directed fabrication of large-scale steel bridge, educational and studio components for a program called “Connections,” with High School students from Detroit and Windsor for the celebration of the Detroit’s 300th anniversary
Designed, produced and operated mobile exhibits and functioning studios for Eye on Design Toledo Art Museum and the NASSA annual meeting in Detroit, MI.
Project Managing of CCS exhibit at the 2004 Detroit North American International Auto Show
“Campus Occupancy Analysis” – Statistical and quantitave analyis of space usage in Walter B Ford II building
Portions of “Health and Safety Manual” for United Educators, an insurance company specializing in colleges and universities.
1998 - 2000 Director of Academic Facilities,
Center for Creative Studies-College of Art and Design
Manage educational facility
Oversight of renovations including creation of library, galleries, computer labs, studios and shops
Key Accomplishments:
Implemented safety protocol and competency training in all shops and curriculums
Assisted in programming 100,000 sq. ft. art and technology building, helping create classrooms, offices, studios, labs and shops for students studying design and animation
Assisted in implementation of solvent and hazardous waste recycling program
Led health and safety audit of classrooms, offices, studios, labs and shops
Assisted in upgrading 25-year-old facility including: HVAC, data and communication cabling, acoustics, lighting, floor, wall and window treatments, furniture and audiovisual equipment
1996 - 1998 Director of Metal Shop and Foundry Operations,
Center for Creative Studies-College of Art and Design
Implemented and managed new equipment and processes to improve student learning and health and safety.
Ceramic Shell Casting
Sand Casting, TIG and MIG welding
Gas and plasma cutting
Complete metal shop and chasing studio
Ventilation systems for silica dust, wax smoke and metal fumes
In-ground melting furnace
Iron casting- cupola style
Developed competency program providing training for students in:
Hand tools
Metal shop equipment
Gas/TIG/MIG and ARC welding
Gas and plasma cutting
Authored successful grant proposal to The Detroit Edison Foundation for foundry improvements enabling students’ greater scope and better results.
Guidelines for studio work in Foundry and Metal Work, from beginning to advanced level.
Competency Tests for metalworking, welding and foundry practices.
1983-2000 Instructor/Assistant Professor,
Center for Creative Studies-College of Art and Design
Courses taught to Degree Students:
Intro. To Fine Arts
Basic Sculpture
Sculpture 1
Sculpture 2
Sculpture 3
Senior Studio
Courses taught to Continuing Education students:
Foundry Workshop
Welding for Artists
Basic Sculpture
Pewter Workshop
Workshops taught to community artists and guest students:
“Gypsy” Iron, Bronze and Aluminum pours
Pewter casting
Mold making
1995-1998 Visiting Artist,
Ox Bow Summer Art Community, Douglas, MI
Led workshops in:
Pewter casting
Studio techniques
Assisted in:
Direct Metal studio work
Iron casting
Glass studio
1984 – 1998 Director,
Center for Creative Studies Bi-annual Iron Casting Workshops
Coordinated multi-institution Iron Pours including students and faculty from Wayne State University, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Cranbrook Academy of Art and Port Huron Community College.
Led volunteers and students through three week prep period and final choreography required for a safe and successful Iron pour.
Served as Media Liaison and Safety engineer for Bi-annual Iron Pours
1992 - 1993 Visiting Artist,
Oakland Community College, Farmington Hills, MI
Implemented bronze pouring equipment and program
Taught Lost Wax Casting
Designed, purchased and constructed foundry equipment, tools and supplies.
Other professional experience includes:
Owner, antique restoration company -1976-1982
Elementary Education, Ceramics Teacher- 1980
Holland Sentinel Newspaper, Press room/circulation- 1980-1981
Youth Social Work and Crisis Intervention Worker -1982-1984
Foundry Consultant 1983-2000
Owner, private casting and fabricating business-1983-
2000-2004 Chair of Neighbors Committee for Komen Detroit Race For the Cure®
2000-2004 Produced Trophies for the J.P. McCarthy PAL Tournament
2001 Designed and produced model for a successful plastic dog bone called “Texas-T bone” a plastic dog bone produced by Phydeaux.
1998 Installed large steel sculpture at the Congregational Church, Birmingham, MI
1998 Fabricated in steel a one-third scale early 1900’s GMC Truck for College for Creative Studies Wine Auction
1997 - 1999 Designed and produced the prestigious Alpha Award for General Motors Corporation
1997 Supervised, cast and assembled life size “Newsboy Monument” for Belle Isle, Detroit, MI
1996 Molded, cast, finished, patinated and installed William Burroughs statue for Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn, MI at the Henry Ford Estate “Grotto”
1996 Designed and produced trophy for Binson’s Home Health Care Centers fundraiser for Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute
1995 - 2001 Annual Donations of cast bronze sculpture to the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute
1995 Selected artist for “Interventions” Exhibit DIA, where Erickson’s work was juxtaposed with master’s works at the
Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, MI
1993 – 1998
1992 Mentor for Art on the Move, Detroit, MI Led corporative sculpture fabricating with college and local high school students. Taught basic construction, metal work, mold work, cement and plaster casting, fabrication techniques,
Principles of public sculpture, team building, moving and rigging sculpture and public exhibition
Birmingham Public Sculpture, Birmingham, MI
1986 Assisted in restoration of “Mining Thoughts” by Dennis Oppenheim at Cranbrook Academy of Art
Assisted Mark Di Suvero in dismantling “La Petite Clef” at Cranbrook Academy of Art
1985 Assisted in moving “Orpheus Fountain” figures by Carl Milles at Cranbrook Art Museum
1985 - 1986 Director of Cass Corridor’s Willis Gallery, Detroit, MI, maintained gallery, helped install shows, curated gallery
Schedule and exhibitions
1985 Assistant to Michael Hall, Sculptor, Detroit, MI - making large public pieces from wood, cardboard, aluminum and steel
1983 - 1984 Assistant to Jay Holland, Sculptor, Detroit, MI – Molding, wax work, bronze casting, assembly and installation of larger than life scale
1983 Directed Summer Camp Tuition Program, benefiting needy youth, for Birmingham Youth Assistance
2006 Public Art Installation- Brighton, MI
2005 The Seventh Show- 101up Gallery, Detroit
2004 Actual Size – CAID, Detroit
2003 Functional Sculpture-Detroit Contemporary Gallery
2002 Detroit Sampler-Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
2000 Faculty Show-CCS, Detroit, MI
1998 Undefining Sculpture- Detroit Artist’s Market
1995 Interventions-Detroit Institute of Art
1994 Alumni Invitational-Hope College, Holland MI
1991 - 1992 Monumental Steel public sculpture, Downtown Birmingham
1989 Michigan Outdoor Sculpture Show, Southfield Civic Center
1987 Collection of Kemp Hogan at Meadow brook Art Gallery, Oakland University
1986 Group Show Detroit Institute of Arts
1985 Solo Sculpture Exhibition- Willis Gallery-Detroit
1984 Bronze Sculpture Invitational, Millersville University
1983 Painting and Drawing-Focus Gallery, Detroit MI